Presentation is Everything, What Does It Mean to Me?

Presentation is Everything, What Does It Mean to Me?

Jason Wright
That’s A Lot to Do, I Know…For now, let’s talk about my motto, “Presentation is Everything” and what it means.
I’ve had the privilege over the years to work on a number of video projects, produce some pretty cool pieces and design all kinds of things….by night. During the day, I crush business development goals, break down processes and work with team members to develop their skills, vision and career. People have asked how I got to where I am today and kids, it’s called hard work. I’ve busted my tail my whole life. Other people say I work too hard and they’re probably right. I could get into a big long story about how and why I tick the way that I do, but we’ll save that for another time :) Believe it or not this punchy line came from a deep think session back in college (A LONG TIME AGO). I was trying to come up with something that aligned with my values and that would work well as a tagline on my 2006-ish website. In those days, a tagline was super important. For real. Every thing I produce and share with the world is a reflection of the passion and drive I have. Your first impression is everything. It’s your first opportunity to show someone who you are, the work you can do, the value you provide, your creative energy and anything else you can think of! And, so “Presentation is Everything” was born. I think about this often and while it might seem cheesy, it constantly pushes me to do more.

When you’re preparing for a big sales opportunity do you print your proposal on plain white paper or heavier stock? Do you print a high gloss cover? These decisions seem trivial at the surface level, but why not put in your best effort by producing the highest level product you can? This is what I’m talking about. I do what it takes to present a level of quality someone would have never expected.

So there you have it, are you inspired now? REMEMBER, your first impression is everything, so don’t screw it up! :)

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