Reflecting on 2024: A Year of Loss, Resilience, and Renewal
Jason WrightShare
2024 was a year unlike any other, filled with profound personal loss, physical setbacks, and professional challenges. It was a year that tested me in every way possible, forcing me to reflect, adapt, and grow. As difficult as this year was, it also offered opportunities for learning and renewal. This post is a chronicle of the events that shaped my year and the goals I’m setting for 2025.
The Weight of Loss
The year began with heartache. In January, I lost my grandmother, followed by my uncle in February. Then, in the summer, I lost my cousin Ruth to the devastating effects of fentanyl and other drugs while she was living on the streets in California.
Losing my grandmother was one of the most challenging experiences of my life. I became the person responsible for managing much of her estate on behalf of my father. Every weekend for the first six months of the year was spent organizing her possessions, cleaning out her house, and packing things up.
Seeing her pass away peacefully in her bed was an image I will never forget. While it was painful, I’m incredibly grateful that she was able to leave this world quietly in the comfort of her own home. I take solace in the fact that she is now reunited with her husband, who passed in 2019.
As I sorted through my grandparents’ belongings, I uncovered pieces of their lives I never knew. They were private people, quiet about their pasts. My grandfather, for example, worked in secret facilities for NASA and Ford Aerospace, conducting radar operations in Germany. His military records were lost in a fire, and much of what I’ve learned about his service comes from photos and stories passed down by his sons. Through these discoveries, I’ve come to appreciate the richness of their lives and the history they carried with them.
My grandfather served in Germany and Korea. He was awarded 4 medals for his service in Germany. Unfortunately his Korean service records are lost in fire and time.
My grandmother was performative. She worked at a cigarette factory. She loved art and music. She played the accordion as her father did before her. She participated in PTA’s, video recordings and other things. She loved to dress up and go out.
They met at a polka dance club on a military base. The rest was history.
One of the hardest tasks was sorting through personal possessions. Deciding what to keep and what to discard felt almost sacrilegious. Items like handmade doilies, custom blankets, and a cedar chest filled with memories were deeply meaningful but not practical to keep. Separating those items was emotionally exhausting. My family and I kept small mementos while letting go of the rest, but the process was a constant reminder of their absence.
If that wasn’t enough, losing my uncle in February compounded the grief. He had been preparing a basement for his brother when he suddenly passed away. Managing the estate became a full-time effort, and by the end of the six months, my father and I had moved all remaining materials to my house for final sorting. On the last day of the move, as I carried one box too many, I stepped off a curb and fractured my leg.
Physical Setbacks and Missed Opportunities
The fracture wasn’t dramatic—I rolled my ankle so hard that I tore fibers in my fibula. But the injury was severe enough to halt all my summer plans. I spent weeks in a cast and a boot, missing out on things like the Missy Elliott concert I had planned as a special anniversary gift for my wife. That missed concert is something I’ll regret for a long time.
Even now, months later, my ankle remains swollen, and recovery is slow. Physical therapy helped, but this injury may leave a lasting impact. It served as a painful reminder of how a single moment of recklessness can ripple into months of missed opportunities.
Caring for Our Pets
Amid the chaos, our dog fell critically ill in January. After months of misdiagnoses, a major health episode revealed the true cause: a rare nasal fungus from Australia was deteriorating her nasal cavity. Faced with the choice of letting her suffer or paying $10,000 for tests and treatment, we chose the latter. The procedure saved her life, but the condition could return at any time. For now, we’re cherishing every moment we have with her.
In February, we also took in a stray cat. She came to us in dire condition, with a torn patch of skin on her backside. We let her in the house to hide and pass peacefully. A polka dot blanket became her comfort. She wobbled back and forth. Eyes crossed and drolling.Initially, we thought she wouldn’t survive, but after weeks of rest and a vet visit, she made a miraculous recovery. While she was moving about and living again, she still had a clump missing from her which we had been treating with a healing spray.
In the end, we set a hard limit of $1,000 for her care, and thanks to a compassionate veterinary clinic, they worked within our budget. Today, she’s a thriving part of our family. She thought she wasn’t going to make it. We didn’t think so. But she’s here today and she is grateful and every so sweet to us.
Professional Challenges
If personal struggles weren’t enough, 2024 also brought professional difficulties. Early in the year, we lost several large accounts in quick succession. The resulting cutbacks affected morale and culture across the organization. As a leader, it was disheartening to see the impact this had on our team.
Despite these challenges, I fought to keep pushing forward. By the end of the year, we had sold nearly $1 million in annualized revenue and broken multiple monthly sales records. These achievements, while significant, came at the cost of extreme burnout. Balancing personal losses and professional responsibilities was exhausting, but it reminded me of my resilience and determination.
Artistically Inclined
Not everything was unpleasant or hard. It sounds that way because it’s easy to overlook the good that comes from struggle. I did spend more time on art. Not enough though. But I’ve gone from stick figure-ish houses to something more likely to be hung up by someone one day. I plan on continuing this creative journey as other aspirations have come and gone.

Lessons Learned and Looking Ahead
2024 taught me the importance of resilience, compassion, and self-reflection. In May, I completed a counseling program that equipped me with tools to better manage my mental health. I’ve learned to communicate more effectively and be a better leader, partner, and friend.
But I’m far from perfect. I still struggle and fail, like everyone else. The key is recognizing those failures and striving to do better.
Goals for 2025
As I look to 2025, I’m setting clear priorities for the year ahead:
1. Personal Stability
- Focus on physical health and recover fully from my injury.
- Strengthen relationships with family and friends.
2. Professional Growth
- Build on my successes from 2024 to create stability in my career.
- Foster a positive and collaborative culture within my organization.
3. Financial Health
- Continue to strengthen financial stability by making smarter investments and savings decisions.
- Get back on track and pay down 60% of current debts.
4. Creative Pursuits
- Dedicate time to my art, using it as a form of expression and therapy.
- Establish and educational curriculum weekly and stick to it until I’ve finished my 100 hour course.
5. Big Moves and Adventures
- Relocate to a new home to start fresh.
- Embark on an extended fishing trip next summer as a way to recharge and reconnect with nature.
And, by 60 years old I would love to have a published comic book cover with my art X-Men (Jubilee) to be specific.
Final Thoughts
2024 was a year of pain, loss, and growth. It tested me in ways I never anticipated, but it also taught me valuable lessons about resilience and the importance of cherishing the present.
As I step into 2025, I carry those lessons with me, striving to be the best version of myself. If any part of my story resonates with you, I’d love to hear how you’ve navigated your own struggles and triumphs. Here’s to a new year filled with hope, healing, and renewal.
I'd love to hear about you stories too so feel free to reach out or comment down below.