Punch Bowl Falls

The Making of Live. Love. Move.

Jason Wright

Some of you might be wondering why I spent the time to put this together, what did I use and how long it took.

Let’s start with the motivation….

Back in 2009 I started an endeavor to change my life. To take it in a new direction and get myself to a healthier spot. At the time, I weighed 340 pounds and was shopping for clothes at Casual Male. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s a store that carries big clothes for big guys. After going there a few times I couldn’t bare the embarrassment anymore and I knew that if I wanted to experience the things that I wanted to in my life that I would have to change. Three years later I weigh 100lbs less and over the past few years, I’ve been hiking in the Columbia River Gorge. This past Summer I conquered all major hikes found in the Gorge and surrounding areas.

With Live. Love. Move. I recorded the last hike in my journey, Eagle Creek. I wanted to send a fast paced positive message that invoked a feeling of adventure into the viewer. We hiked a total of 13 miles that day. 6 miles to Tunnel Falls (seen in the video). The scenery was amazing and the tunnel was really something special.

What did I use….

The entire concept was improvised. It’s something I had been thinking about, but I certainly didn’t plan on recording. It wasn’t until we were on our way to the trailhead when I decided this might be a cool opportunity.

You might be surprised to know that I used my HD phone. The Droid Razr to be specific and recorded all elements in 1080p HD. I then brought that into Adobe Premier. The music you hear is something I created with Sony Music Studio and my effects were provided by Video Copilot.

How long did it take….

The hike, including driving time, was a 10-hour adventure. Producing and publishing the piece took somewhere between 15-20 hours.

So there you have it….

Don’t feel limited by the things you have, make due with what you got because you never know how your vision might turn out and it’s better to take a shot at it then to do nothing at all.

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